Athletics Strength and Conditioning

Strength and conditioning for Athletics Athletes is paramount to avoiding injury and performing at your best. Those who neglect this part of their training will only have to wait until a myriad of injury’s follow… ankle injuries, foot injuries and knee injuries to name some.

Running is one of the most advance exercises the human body can perform, it requires so many muscles working together to create a smooth and balanced movement that allows only the most refined athlete to push themselves to win races with out the set back of injury.

Most athletes will train in the gym for their strength training, but unless the body functions correctly, sometimes this can be in vain.  The human body has a way of compensating for weaknesses and unless you understand what muscles should be working with certain movements and train it that way, its only a matter of time before something breaks down. One of the most important and neglected muscles in Athletics is the glute medius.

The glute medius wont directly help you run faster but it will stabalise your hips, knees and ankles to enable you to direct your power forward. It also helps to prevent injury by stabalising the pelvis and knees. With out a strong glute medius your pelvis wont stay level when running and it will only be a matter of time before ITB issues or knee problems surface as a result.

If you take your sport seriously and want to understand how your body works, which muscles should be firing and how to strengthen them effectively to excel while minimising the risk of injury training we offer a base conditioning and strength training plan that will help set you way above your competition.


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