Strength and Conditioning Coach

Returning from Injury

By incorporating corrective exercise into your training regime and improving your body’s awareness and muscle function we reduce the stress on your structure and decrease the likelihood of injury so you can reach your potential faster!

Injury & Posture

Did you know that most injuries are a result of poor posture, muscle imbalances and movement malfunction?

Did you know that in most cases you can eliminate pain by correcting how your body functions?
Poor posture can lead to tension, fatigue and damage to your joints, but the good thing is you can correct it. Optimal posture is when the body is fully aligned, in equilibrium, where there is little stress on the joints and nerves, and the muscles work in synergy with each other. By improving your awareness, muscle symmetry,  strength and flexibility in your body we can help you achieve better posture and function thus eliminating pain.

Achieving balance in posture

Achieving this balance is crucial to reaching your goals, what ever they are.

This is why we undertake postural and muscle imbalance testing before designing a personalised corrective exercise program specifically for you. By identifying the imbalances present we are able to incorporate the necessary strengthening and lengthening exercises required to perfect your posture and muscle function. We build a strong foundation first… and then can we go onto achieving your strength goals as an Athlete.

Muscle Imbalances

Muscle imbalances are also a common precursor to injury.

When the body’s muscles aren’t working in synergy with each other or there is a weakness it puts more stress on the compensating muscles and eventually leads to injury or wear and tear of the joints. An common example of this lower back pain, which is commonly caused by poor posture or a muscle imbalance. An excessive arch in the lower back or weak abdominals or tight hip flexors can cause an overload in the lower back muscles.
Have you had problems with your lower back? In most cases by identifying the imbalances present and correcting them, the pain associated with injury goes away and the body is able to heal itself.

Let's get you back on track and pain-free!

Eliminate those aches and pains now and get back into achieving your sporting aspirations.

© Janelle Woolridge. All rights reserved.